Hi, Ice Cream Exhibition In Seoul

Who doesn't love ice cream? I shamelessly call myself an ice cream junkie because I love ice cream that much. So, why am I talking about ice cream right now? I'm not gonna talk about ice cream recommendation, review, or anything, I'm gonna talk about an interactive ice cream exhibition in Seoul, South Korea. Interested much? Keep on reading, Dreamers!

"Hi, Ice Cream" Exhibition
This exhibition is a creative and experience-based exhibition that you can enjoy tasting new melon-taste ice cream as well as a number of 'ice cream' related artworks that can fulfill your five senses through sweet imagination.
This exhibition is a collaboration with Binggrae, held from June 7- September 7, 2018 at S-Factory, Seongsu-dong, Seoul. It's close to one of the popular photo spot, Common Ground.
| How to Get There:
If you use subway, get down at Seongsu Station and walk around 5 minutes. I can't really give you the exact route because I also used Kakao Maps to get there ;))

| How Much?
The entrance ticket is 15.000 won for 1 person if you buy it on the spot, which is pretty expensive. Luckily my friend found out we could actually get cheaper price (50% off or you can say 1+1) for only 7.500 won each if we bought it via TMON (Ticket Monster). Bad news is, you need Korean phone number to buy it. We could buy it because we have some local friends and they helped us to buy it. The last time I checked it, you will get 20% off by purchasing the ticket via TMON. Oh, we can also exchange the ticket with ice cream from Binggrae!
This Hi, Ice Cream exhibition is quite small and one spot is close to another spot. If I had to describe this exhibition in one word, it’d be “pink”. Yup, everything is sooo pink 💖 Well, not everything but mostly. I love pastel color so I was so happy seeing those installments. There are life-size ice cream and popsicles displays, ice cream cushions, backgrounds, etc. Every corner every displays is so cute and instagrammable! I love how people were queueing so everyone can get nice pictures. We all hate photobomb, don't we?
| How to Get There:
If you use subway, get down at Seongsu Station and walk around 5 minutes. I can't really give you the exact route because I also used Kakao Maps to get there ;))

| How Much?
The entrance ticket is 15.000 won for 1 person if you buy it on the spot, which is pretty expensive. Luckily my friend found out we could actually get cheaper price (50% off or you can say 1+1) for only 7.500 won each if we bought it via TMON (Ticket Monster). Bad news is, you need Korean phone number to buy it. We could buy it because we have some local friends and they helped us to buy it. The last time I checked it, you will get 20% off by purchasing the ticket via TMON. Oh, we can also exchange the ticket with ice cream from Binggrae!