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Hi, Ice Cream Exhibition In Seoul

 I shamelessly call myself an ice cream junkie because I love ice cream that much Hi, Ice Cream Exhibition in Seoul
Who doesn't love ice cream? I shamelessly call myself an ice cream junkie because I love ice cream that much. So, why am I talking about ice cream right now? I'm not gonna talk about ice cream recommendation, review, or anything, I'm gonna talk about an interactive ice cream exhibition in Seoul, South Korea. Interested much? Keep on reading, Dreamers!
 I shamelessly call myself an ice cream junkie because I love ice cream that much Hi, Ice Cream Exhibition in Seoul
 I shamelessly call myself an ice cream junkie because I love ice cream that much Hi, Ice Cream Exhibition in Seoul
As you may already know, I visited South Korea last month. I didn't know about this exhibition before my trip, my friend was the one who told me about this "Hi, Ice Cream" exhibition. She was looking for indoor spots to visit because Seoul was sooo hot at that time and we didn't want to drench in sweat. Long story short, we decided to go there because the exhibition seemed so cute and so "me" (not her, hahaha). Baik banget deh bocah, padahal doi nggak suka foto-foto apalagi kalo harus bayar ;p

"Hi, Ice Cream" Exhibition
This exhibition is a creative and experience-based exhibition that you can enjoy tasting new melon-taste ice cream as well as a number of 'ice cream' related artworks that can fulfill your five senses through sweet imagination. 
This exhibition is a collaboration with Binggrae, held from June 7- September 7, 2018 at S-Factory, Seongsu-dong, Seoul. It's close to one of the popular photo spot, Common Ground.
| How to Get There:
If you use subway, get down at Seongsu Station and walk around 5 minutes.  I can't really give you the exact route because I also used Kakao Maps to get there ;))

| How Much? 
The entrance ticket is 15.000 won for 1 person if you buy it on the spot, which is pretty expensive. Luckily my friend found out we could actually get cheaper price (50% off or you can say 1+1) for only 7.500 won each if we bought it via TMON (Ticket Monster). Bad news is, you need Korean phone number to buy it. We could buy it because we have some local friends and they helped us to buy it. The last time I checked it, you will get 20% off by purchasing the ticket via TMON. Oh, we can also exchange the ticket with ice cream from Binggrae!
 I shamelessly call myself an ice cream junkie because I love ice cream that much Hi, Ice Cream Exhibition in Seoul
This Hi, Ice Cream exhibition is quite small and one spot is close to another spot. If I had to describe this exhibition in one word, it’d be “pink”. Yup, everything is sooo pink 💖 Well, not everything but mostly. I love pastel color so I was so happy seeing those installments. There are life-size ice cream and popsicles displays, ice cream cushions, backgrounds, etc. Every corner every displays is so cute and instagrammable! I love how people were queueing so everyone can get nice pictures. We all hate photobomb, don't we?
 I shamelessly call myself an ice cream junkie because I love ice cream that much Hi, Ice Cream Exhibition in Seoul
My favorite spots are the pool and that ice cream cushions corner at the beginning of the exhibition. I brought my camera with 35mm lens that time, so it's quite difficult to take photos inside with such lens so I had to use my phone. And yeah, the quality was not the best so I was kinda lazy to take photos of every corner in the exhibition. Skipped so many spots, tbh. It's okay tho, visiting an exhibition (or any places) is not merely for taking photo, right?
 I shamelessly call myself an ice cream junkie because I love ice cream that much Hi, Ice Cream Exhibition in Seoul
Beside the ice cream displays, they also sell some official merchandise like pouch, badges, stickers, etc. Oh, we also can play claw machine there, for countless times until you get the ball. I tried so many times but in the end I got it, hahaha. Anddd, they also provide photo printing machine where you can transfer photo directly from your phone, add frame, and print it. Note that you have to pay with credit card!

Lastly, I want to share the outfit I wore to Hi, Ice Cream exhibition. I wore pastel purple dress so I could blend-in with those pastel ice cream displays, lol. It's not the most comfortable outfit to wear on a super-hot summer day actually. I was so uncomfortable that I hated the outfit but now when I see it again, not bad lah ;p
 I shamelessly call myself an ice cream junkie because I love ice cream that much Hi, Ice Cream Exhibition in Seoul
It's pretty fun to experience something I couldn't find in Indonesia, especially when it's so cute. To be honest, I wouldn't visited it if I didn't get half price discount. It's quite expensive to just enter and taking photos. But it's cute. Ha! If you're in Seoul or gonna visit Seoul soon, you can consider this as one of your destination. Note that September 7, 2018 is the last day!