Balancing Your Daily Nutritious Meals // Youvit X Ifb

The event was held at Glosis Barito last Saturday with the main speaker Rachel Olsen, Youvit nutrition specialist. Before she started explaining about nutritious food, she asked us to sign up to play game/quiz between her explanation.

Rachel started the explanation with some basic information like, what is calorie? There are still a lot of wrong perceptions about calorie. Small portion doesn't mean it has smaller calorie, vice versa. Something you drink also has calorie, that's why there's this saying "Don't drink your calorie." The calories we need in a day depends on some factors; weight, age, and sex. Women usually need around 1500-2000 cal and Men need around 2000-2500 cal. If you want to lose weight, you need to eat less then 1500 cal a day, it's usually 1200 cal. Obesity can cause a lot of complication illness, one of them is coronary heart disease. You don't want that, right?
Next, we talked about why breakfast is important. I (almost) always skip my breakfast because I'm in intermittent fasting (easiest diet for me) and after this blogger gathering...I started having breakfast, lol. Breakfast is important because it's one way to start your metabolism and prevent you from eating too much on lunch time. The ideal breakfast will be light meal like fruits, smoothie, eggs. If you don't have enough time to enjoy your breakfast on table, then you can try to drink your breakfast. Just put some fruits in the freezer, take it out and blend it together in the morning. You can bring your smoothie with you now ;)) You can also just cut some fruits and put it into container. Rachel gave us some simple breakfast idea too (picture below).

Here are some tips to live healthier life:
👉 Eat fruits min. 5x a day
👉 Watch your portion- use smaller plate
👉 Chew your food longer
👉 Have min. 7 hours of sleep
👉 Workouts
To complete the healthy lifestyle, we also need to take some vitamins to prevent us from getting sick easily. Most people consumes vitamin (usually vit. C) when they're about to get sick, which actually already too late. We must consume them in daily basis to get the maximum result.
We also got to try Youvit gummy multivitamin with mix berry flavor, it's sooo gewd! I personally love gummies and this one just...addicting, lol. Can't stop chewing but we can only consume one a day, so we need to wait until next day. Youvit contains 10 vitamins and 2 minerals in one gummy and perfect for adults with lots of activities. We actually can consume this gummy any time, but it's better to consume it at the same time everyday, for example in the morning after having the breakfast.
Next, we were having healthy lunch by Glosis Barito, mine was this Super Poke Bowl which was super good! I had a pleasant lunch there ;) After had our lunch, the last activity was decorating smoothie bowl. Our team didn't win but it's okay, hahaha.

Here are some tips to live healthier life:
👉 Eat fruits min. 5x a day
👉 Watch your portion- use smaller plate
👉 Chew your food longer
👉 Have min. 7 hours of sleep
👉 Workouts
👉 Small changes are important- take your time

Yehey! Thanks for having me :)