Hi, Dreamers! I'm gonna tell you about
my favorite yogurt brand today, it's
Heavenly Blush! They started as a frozen yogurt merk (when fro-yo was a thing) and expanded their products to ready-to-drink yoguruto, yogurt bar, to Greek yogurt. I was so glad to be invited as one of the bloggers to attend this event held at William's Casual Dining, it's about their new campaign
#HeavenlyBlushGreekSecret to introduce and educate Indonesian people about the benefits of Greek yogurt.
| So, what's so special about Greek Yogurt and what differentiate it from another yogurt? Dr. dr. Samuel Oetoro, MS, SpGK explained about the importance of eating and living healthy, which can be helped by consuming yogurt. Basically Greek yogurt contains lower carbohydrate and sugar + 2x higher protein than other yogurt. Protein in Greek yogurt takes longer to be digested, so it can make you feel full longer. You can also use Greek yogurt in your breakfast hidangan or snacks. Yummy yet healthy and good for your diet, Dreamers
Ivonne Aryanti as Marketing Director of Heavenly Blush told us that they were the first merk that introducing Greek yogurt's benefit to Indonesian market since 2015 and they will keep that commitment to always be
wellness yogurt specialist!
Ivonne also explained that Greek is one of the country with longest life spans thanks to its healthy lifestyle and food, including the greek yogurt. Heavenly Blush knew about that and want to bring those benefits to Indonesia, therefore they invented ready-to-eat and ready-to-drink greek yogurt for you as healthy and guilty-free snacks which can make you stay full longer, known as "Greek Secret to Staying Full Longer." Their ready-to-drink Greek Yogurt is the
first greek yogurt in tetrapack packaging in Southeast Asia, which you can bring and drink anywhere. Another one is their ready-to-eat greek yogurt in a cup, including various toppings and spoon inside.
Its 3 Little Compartments Cup won at WorldStar Packaging Awards, fyi.
Arya Gondhowiardjo said that Greek has been known for its
Mediterania diet method, which also including Greek yogurt, fruits, veggies, beans, olive oil, and another healthy ingredients as the menu. That's why Heavenly Blush want to invited you to find the secrets directly from its origin- Santorini. They installed some
BLUE DOOR at some strategic public spaces in Jakarta, when you find it, you can take photos there :))
Another guest who was invited is
Jennifer Bachdim, she is a well-known healthy lifestyle influencer/blogger. Jennifer shared some of her favorite way to keep her healthy lifestyle while living her busy life (working and being a wife + mom of 2).
She never skips breakfast and workout everyday, and she also said that her favorite breakfast is
greek yogurt with various fruits. It was a short sharing session, I wished we had more hahaha.

After the talkshow, we continued to the next exciting activity: making smoothie bowl with this pretty chef; Putri Miranti. It's not your average smoothie bowl, we're gonna make Mermaid Smoothie Bowl, because she said Unicorn was so last year, hahha. Basically it's banana smoothie bowl but in blue color. Hm, how cute is that? Heavenly Blush Greek Yogurt was one of the main ingredients here, it's easy to make at home. You just need frozen banana, blend it with greek yogurt, add some soy milk (if it's too solid), and some maple syrup for your liking.
Last but not least, Heavenly Blush will invite us to search the secret of Greek Yogurt at Santorini for FREE!! Mereka bakal ngajak
30 pemenang buat cari belakang layar ke Santorini bareng-bareng. Caranya juga mudah, tinggal
beli produk Heavenly Blush seharga IDR 100.000, trus upload foto kau bareng produk dan juga foto struknya, trus tag deh ke media umum Heavenly Blush. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap kau dapat cek ke websitenya ya:
www.heavenlyblush.com I also got goodie bag contains of Heavenly Blush Greek Yogurt and my favorite Tummy Yogurt Bar! :))
Thanks for having me!