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Afternoon Beauty Stories With Beauty Journal X Dove + Vlog

Here is another event I attended a few weeks ago, this time it's about well-known body wash brand, Dove. I already tried using Dove body wash when I was younger because I always have dry skin and Dove is known for its moisturizing formula, perfect for dry skin. As time goes by, they also expanding their products and its body wash variant: the classic Deeply Nourishing (deep blue), Fresh Touch (green), Revive (pink), and the latest Aqua Moisture (light blue). For you who don't like its slippery effect of those 3 variants of Dove body wash, you can try their Aqua Moisture one. Not only body wash, Dove also comes in beauty kafe (I personally prefer body wash).
As usual the event started with MC and Beauty Journal editor in chief's opening speech, and they told us about Dove latest campaign, The Real Beauty. The event was divided into 3 check points: From Comment to Compliment, How to Me Time, and Beauty Through The Ages. I will tell you about these activities one by one below.
 | Check Point 1: From Comment to Compliment  
We were divided into some groups to do all the activities, which was fun because we got to know new fellow bloggers and had fun together. The first check point was about how we reply hate/rude comments with positive answers. You know, some sarcastic answers that will shut them up, hahaha. One of my teammate was so good and creative tbh. Did we win or not? You can check it at the end of this blog post tho :))

 | Check Point 2: How to Me Time  
As busy and dynamic girls, the so-called Me Time is so important to us, isn't it? A lot of activities and stress can effect our skin too, that's why we have to at least know how to give ourselves rewards. For example some people loves to go to salon to have their Me Time, as for me, my best Me Time is definitely sleeping. No option, lol. I love to take shower with nice smell body wash (hey, I actually have more than one in my bathroom), wash my hair without drying it, and go directly to sleep. Kenikmatan HQQ ;p

 | Check Point 3: Beauty Through The Ages  
At this point, we were given some inspiring women photos and we have to mention what things that made them inspiring + gave a name of modern/this kurun inspiring women and why we chose her. My team got Mother Teresa and chose Michelle Phan as our inspiring women role. 
Andddd, guess what! My team won the Check Point 1 activity and got a blue-white combination bag as the prize. So happy, hahaha. 
Watch the fun event here:

Last but not least, they gave us goodie bag as usual. We got a pouch, 3 variants of Dove Body Wash, and 1 beauty bar. From these 3 variants I got, my most favorite one is the green one: Fresh Touch because it has really fresh scent and can give this relaxing feel when I take a shower. What's yours?