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Wrp Everyday Fruitbar Grand Launching, #Happyeveryday!

I attended WRP FruitBar grand launching on Saturday 2 weeks ago with another bloggers who have niche in fashion, beauty, and travel. I, of course chose fashion. Our dress code was pastel color, which was matching the event's atmosphere and made the event seemed so youthful and fun. Will write about my outfit that day on another post, so now let's focus on the launching event ;)
First thing first, we were having press conference about #wrpeveryday newest product: WRP Everyday FruitBar. Nofa Sumawarti as WRP General Brand Manager explained about their newest product. She also accompanied by Janine  Intansari, a beauty blogger. 
WRP Everyday has this tagline, "Generasi Millenial, Generasi #HappyEveryday". Why we should be happy everyday? By being happy we can be more confident and believe in our capability to do anything we love. We as Millennials, especially girls with happy mind can inspire many people out there by doing our hobby or passion, such as blogger, celebgrams, etc. 
As for me, being a blogger is something I'm proud of. It started with my love for Japan, fashion, and sharing any information for my readers. One of my advice is, don't start doing this blogging thing with money in your mind. If you don't love blogging or have passion in it, blogging can be really stressful. You need to love doing this to be successful. Money will follow later tho, just keep doing what you can with so much love, and be happy :) I'm happy being a fashion blogger because this is so me
So, what's the connection with WRP Everyday FruitBar? Sometimes when you're writing your blogpost or doing any activities....I bet you're craving for some snacks, right? I resist hard not to eat any snacks because they will make me feel bloated...and fat. But you know, eating is one of my happy pill, so sometimes it's getting annoying to stay hungry when I need to write new post. Then WRP Everyday came with a brilliant idea to keep you happy with their  FruitBar, tasty and low calories snack kafe with rich nutritions. We can happily snacking in the middle of night, anytime anywhere because this FruitBar only has 80calories/serving!
Janine is a famous beauty blogger in Indonesia who loves to share her tips and tricks in makeup and beauty. She also has signature style such as ombre eyebrow and lips. After the introduction to the product and some talks, Janine showed us how to create her signature ombre lips. Janine said that she enjoys eating FruitBar so much while editing her tutorial videos. 
After the press conference and first bite of fruit bar, they also gave us WRP low fat milk. I 've avoided drinking chocolate or any flavors milk (banana is my favorite) for some time because of its high calories. I used to drink milk 2 or 3 times a day, lol. But then, it turns out their low fat milk only has 110 calories/serving. Now I can drink tasty milk again! Yeay
We also had some chit-time time with 2 bloggers from each category, I was one of them. I was so happy to have a chance to share my passion in (fashion) blogging, gave people tips and encouragement to be what they want and follow their dream/passion. 
I've faced many ups and downs during my blogging journey, urge to stop because one and another reason, but in the end I always go back to blogging because I love doing it despite what people think and the "standard" out there. I ever wrote in this post, about how people think about my unusual fashion style, something that's not "kekinian" or mainstream, fashion that's not so Indonesian, and stuff. But again, I blog because I want to show you about something I love. About my PERSONAL fashion style, about something that I can proudly shout "This is so me!" If I have to mention one thing that concerns me, it'd be my body shape. I'm not skinny, although I'm not fat either, but you can see so many "fashion blogger" out there who have slim and the so-called "perfect" body. After some time, it's tiring to keep thinking about this concern, because whatever my body shape is, I still love fashion and blog about it. So, embrace what you have and change to the better if you don't like it. You don't need to be skinny, you need to be healthy.
If you think the event ended here, no you're wrong! We still had some fun games going on, such as creating ombre lips for beauty bloggers, summer time styling for fashion bloggers, and packing game for travel bloggers. And again, I joined the game 😂 Got second place after 'embarrassing' myself in front of all people. Worth it. Got another 5 fruit bars. Worth it.
At the end of event we also got hampers from WRP contains of Fruit Bar and low fat milk, enough to fulfill my snack cravings at work or night- without feeling guilty! Thanks for having me, WRP! I had so much fun :3
Let's see what's inside the hamper:
(to avoid mistakes in explaining the products, I'll write in bahasa)
| WRP Everyday Fruit Bar  
WRP Everyday FruitBar ini mengandung vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B9, B12, C, dan E serta zat besi dan magnesium. Selain itu, jumlah kalori WRP FruitBar ini juga hanya 80Kkal/saji, padahal mengandung Apricot, Raisin, dan juga coklat. Jujur aja, saya selalu menghindari "makanan sehat" yang mengandung coklat (kecuali dark choco) alasannya parno bikin gendut. Eh ternyata si WRP FruitBar yang mengandung coklat ini malah kalorinya lebih rendah dari snack kafe lain yang nggak pake coklat. Forget your thought that snacking on chocolate will make you fat! Teehee Ditambah dengan kemasan yang ringan, produk ini dapat kita bawa-bawa dan dimakan di mana aja pas kita pengen ngemil. Salah satu keunikan dari produk ini ialah teksturnya yang chewy, yang alhasil bikin kita ngunyah lebih usang dan bikin efek kenyang yang lebih tahan usang juga. Jadi, yuk #NgemilFruitBAReng ;)

| WRP Everyday Low Fat Milk  

Seperti yang udah saya ngomongin di atas, I'm actually a fan of milk yang ngurangin minum susu karna takut gendut, lol. I've spent my life drinking plain low calories milk these days *cry* Nah, semoga ngemil dengan WRP Everyday FruitBar-nya makin lengkap, minum juga nih WRP Everyday Low Fat Milk, yaitu susu rendak lemak kaya nutrisi dan kalsium tinggi yang dikemas dalam kemasan praktis. Low fat milk ini mengandung Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, Vitamin C, D, E, Kalsium, Fosfor, Magnesium, Zat Besi, Selenium, Iodium, Seng, dan juga Biotin. Walaupun rendak lemak, susu ini nggak tasteless malah tersedia dalam 2 rasa yang enak, vanilla dan coklat. Packagingnya girly dan mudah dibawa di dalam tas, tapi sayangnya harus diseduh dulu. Sejujurnya saya lebih prefer kalo WRP Everyday Low Fat Milk ini dikemas dalam kemasan kotak dan dapat pribadi diminum. 

I'm not skinny, but to be honest I'm trying to maintain my body by stop eating junk food, snacks like potato chips, cookies, sweetened beverages, etc. Thanks to WRP Everyday new products- FruitBar and Low Fat Milk, I can eat snack anytime without worrying about the calories and its effects to my body. They also help me to always be positive and stay in good mood because I'm cranky when I'm hungry, lol. Now I can write any blogposts with happy mind, because this is so me! Let's be #HappyEveryday