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Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP dan Jawaban

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP dan Jawaban - Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kita dalam menyerap berbagai materi pelajaran yang diajarkan maka sering kali kita akan diminta untuk mengerjakan berbagai soal latihan baik itu berupa tugas pekerjaan rumah, ulangan harian, mid semester dan sebagainya. Berbagai tugas dan latihan tersebut tak lain bertujuan untuk memantapkan pemahaman kita terhadap materi tersebut. Seperti kali ini, kita akan berlatih untuk pelajaran bahasa Inggris SMP khususnya untuk soal pekerjaan rumah.

Seperti kita tahu, dengan berlatih Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII seperti ini kita bisa tambah paham dan tambah pintar dan juga tentunya bisa mendapatkan nilai yang lebih baik lagi. Latihan ini akan memperlengkap usaha kita untuk pandai dan menunjang sistem belajar yang sudah ada. Karena itu meski berlatih dengan soal seperti ini jangan melupakan beberapa kegiatan belajar lainnya seperti:

1) Menjelaskan penjelasan guru
2) Membaca buku cetak
3) Membaca kembali buku catatan
4) Berlatih mengerjakan latihan pada LKS
5) Contoh soal bahasa inggris smp dan kunci jawaban
6) Contoh soal bahasa inggris smp beserta kunci jawaban
7) Soal dan jawaban bahasa inggris smp kelas 7
8) Contoh soal bahasa inggris smp dan pembahasannya
9) Contoh soal un bahasa inggris smp 2014 dan pembahasannya
10) Contoh soal bahasa inggris smp kurikulum 2013
11) Contoh soal bahasa inggris smp kelas 9
12) Contoh soal bahasa inggris smp kelas 7 semester 1

Di atas merupakan beberapa strategi belajar dan juga beberapa latihan lain yang bisa kita kerjakan selain contoh ini. Jika memiliki waktu luang jangan lupa kerjakan juga beberapa latihan lainnya di bagian atas tersebut. Sekarang mari kita mulai mengerjakan contoh soal di bawah ini.

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP dan Jawaban
Kumpulan Soal dan Jawaban

  1. Stamps – selecting – we – now – the - are
  2. Bringing – map – present – is – at - Mr. Mulyono – a - not
  3. Letter - now - are - a - typing - you?
  4. To – outside – the – dog – stranger – barking – the - is
  5. Car – time – your – this – is – washing – at – a - father?

  1. We are selecting the stamps now
  2. Mr. Mulyono is not bringing a map at present
  3. Are you typing a letter now?
  4. The dog is barking to outside the stranger
  5. Is father washing a car this your at time?

PAGE 23 NO. 4 

Having – sister – Billy – dinner – is – his – with
A lot – days – am – these – working – i
Not – well – mother – feeling – is - my
Looking - who - you - for - are?
Now – studiying – the – are – Math – students?

Billy is having dinner with his sister
I am working a lot these days
My mother is not fellyng well
Who are you looking for?
Are the students studying math now?

  1. First, wet your hands with water. Hot water is better if you can get it
  2. Next , put soap on your hands
  3. Then rub your hand together until both hands are well covered in soap
  4. Theh rub soap between your your fingers, on the front and on the back of your hands and under your nails
  5. Next, put your hands under the running water again and wash off all the soap. Make sure you get all the dirty soap off your hands
  6. Finally , dry your hands well using a clean cloth or towel

  1. Pertama basahi tanganmu dengan air. Lebih baik jika kamu menggunakan air panas
  2. Selanjutnya, letakkan sabun diatas tanganmu
  3. Kemudian, gosok tanganmu bersama sampai tanganmu tertutup seeluruhnya dengan sabun
  4. Kemudian gosok di antara jari-jarimu, ulangi kembali pada bawah kukumu
  5. Selanjutnya, letakkan tanganmu dibawah air mengalir untuk menghilangkan semua sabun. Agar tanganmu bersih dari sabun
  6. Terakhir, keringkan tanganmu menggunakan kain bersih atau handuk

PAGE 34 (B)
(+) They need a beautiful dress
(-) They do not need a beautiful dress
(?) Do they need a beautiful dress?

1. (+) Fuad needs a bicycle
(-) Fuad does not need a bicycle
(?) does Fuad need a bicycle?

2. (+) Shanti hates a dog
(-) Shanti does not hate a dog
(?)does Shanti hate a dog?

3. (+) My mother likes porridge
(-) my mother does not like porridge
(?) does my motherlike porridge?

4. (+) Johan needs a trouser
(-) johan does not need a trouser
(?) does johan need a trouser?

5. (+) Amel hates go to the zoo
(-) amel does not hate go to the zoo
(?) does amel hate go to the zoo?

6. (+) Fandy needs a tie
(-) fandy does not need a tie
(?) does fandy need a tie?

7. (+) My sister want slice of bread
(-) my sister does not want slice of bread
(?) does my sister want a slide of bread?

8. (+) Irfan want a t-shirt
(-) irfan does not want a t-shirt
(?) does irfan want a t-shirt?

9. (+) Billy likes a cup of tea
(-) billy does not like a cup of tea
(?) does billy like a cup of tea?

10. (+) Alex needs a sweater
(-) alex does not need a sweater
(?) does alex need a sweater?

PAGE 35 (B)

1.(+) Mother needs some sugar
(-) Mother does not need any sugar
(?) Does mother need any sugar?

2. (+) Annisa needs some water
(-) Annisa does not need any water
(?) Does Annisa need any water?

3. (+) There are some apples in the refrigerator
(-) There are not any apple in the refrigerator
(?) Are there some apple in the refrigerator?

4. (+) There are some milk in the glass
(-) There are not any milk in the glass
(?) Are the some milk in the glass?

5. (+) They bought vegetables to make soup
(-) They did not bought vegetables to make soup
(?) Did they bought vegetables to make soup?

6.(+) There is some salt in the can
(-) There is not any salt in the can
(?) Is there some salt in the can?

7.(+) Cindy buys some fruits in the supermarket
(-) Cindy does not buy any fruit in the supermarket
(?) Does Cindy buy any fruit in the supermarket?

8. (+) Cinta wanted some bowls of noodle 
(-) Cinta did not wanted some bowls of noodle
(?) Did Cinta wanted some bowls of noodlE?

PAGE 58 NO.3 

Dear Jenny,
Thank you verry much for the gift you sent. I really like it. This is my pleasure thing. “a beautiful purple hat” it suit on me.
Jenny, i want to meet you soon. When will you come back to Indonesia?
I have a plan to show you some fantastic places.

Best regard,

PAGE 62 NO.37


- A sheet of paper 
- A cutter
- A tube of glue 
- A ruler

  • Take a sheet of paper
  • Draw a pattern by using your ruler
  • Cut the paper following the pattern
  • Fold it
  • Put some glue on it
  • Press it to get a good form


- Selembar kertas 
- pisau kecil 
- Lem 
- penggaris

  • Meletakkan selembar kertas
  • Menggambar sebuah pola menggunakan penggarismu
  • memotong kertas mengikuti pola 
  • Melipatnya
  • Meletakkan lem di atasnya
  • Menekan agar hasilnya baik
Demikianlah beberapa latihan kali ini. Semoga dengan adanya Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP dan Jawaban tersebut kita bisa tambah semangat dalam belajar untuk menggapai segala kesuksesan yang menjadi impian kita. Tetap semangat, selamat mengerjakan!

Sumber http://kumpulan-soal-dan-jawaban.blogspot.com/