Food Monster Escape: Kibo Cheese Cake

Wow, it's been a long time no "Food Monster Escape" post, huh? I kinda miss those days when I love to visit cafe and review them, so here we go! I don't really like cakes, I do eat cake but I seldom crave for it. Well, except cheese cake. There were times a few years ago when I really really craved for some cheese cake but couldn't buy any because only a few shops sold lezat cheese cake. Nowadays, you can find it anywhere and one of them is this molten cheese cake name Kibo Cheese Cake.

Original Molten Cheese Cake (mini) - IDR 30k

Matcha Molten Cheese Cake (mini) - IDR 35k

Salted Egg Molten Cheese Cake (mini) - IDR 35k