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The Sky Is The Limit

The sky is only your limit if you limit yourself The Sky Is The Limit
"The sky is only your limit if you limit yourself.
With God your life has limitless possibility."
- Shimika Bowers
The sky is only your limit if you limit yourself The Sky Is The Limit
Was helping my friend shooting ads as soundman (or girl?) and one of the location was this sort of rooftop thingy, it was 8th floor. When we finished shooting there, the talents were taking photos so I asked them to take some pics of me too, hahaha *blogger mode on* It was shot by a quite popular photographer and taken by my friend's iphone 7+. The results are amazing for phone camera, aren't they?
I was wearing my favorite Pink Panther sweatshirt (thanks to my sis for buying it for me directly from Korea 💖), new stripes trousers from Bershka, and my all time favorite sneakers from Reebok. It sure gives boyish vibe but I really love this look ;)) What do you think?