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Task M1 LA3 Task 1-5 Bahasa Inggris Assignment Version 2

Tugas M1 LA3 Task 1-5

In this activity, you will have to read two analytical exposition texts. Make necessary notes of their key features. It may facilitate you in doing the other tasks. Enjoy it.

The key features of Text 1 and Text 2. Learning from television
Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer’s idea about the phenomenon surrounding.
Social Function:
1.        To persuade the readers that idea is important matter.
2.        To persuade the readers or listeners that there is something that, certainly, needs to get attention
3.        To analyze a topic and to persuade the reader that this opinion is correct and supported by arguments
Generic Structures:
1.        Thesis (Introduction): Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s position / point of view.
Ø  Text 1 and 2: First paragraph
2.        Arguments (Body): Explaining the arguments to support the writer’s position. The number of arguments may vary, but each argument must be supported by evidence and explanation (elaboration)
Ø  Text 1: Paragraph 2 – 4
Ø  Text 2: Paragraph 2 - 5
3.        Reiteration (Conclusion): Restating the writer’s position / point of view to strengthen the thesis.
Ø  Text 1: Thus, for the reasons above we can conclude that the three levels of government are necessary.
Ø  Text 2: To conclude, many teachers in UK are recently becoming aware to benefit the potential of television programs to support the teaching processes.

Significant Lexicogrammatical features:
1.        Using internal conjunction: Elaborating and itemizing steps in an argument (First, Firstly, second, secondly, next, similarly, moreover, thus, finally)
2.        Using evaluative language: necessary, important, significant, valuable
3.        Using general and abstract noun: television, government
4.        Using simple present tense
5.        Focusing on generic human and non-human participants, e.g.: car, pollution, leaded petrol car

Answer the questions below to check your comprehension about the social function, text structures, and the lexico-grammatical features of analytical exposition texts.
1.    Where can you probably find the first text to read?

2.    Where can you probably find the second text to read?

3.    Who might be interested in reading the first text?

4.    In text 2, which sentence is stating the writer’s position to introduce his ideas?

5.    How does the writer of text 2 arrange his ideas in the text?

6.    Does           the writer of text 1 use ‘the present tenses’ to write his ideas in the text?

7.    Can you identify the internal conjunction and causal conjuntion in both texts? Write them in your answers.
1.   We probably find the first text in a newspaper articles, journals, magazines, academic lectures, and research report.

2.     We probably find the second text in a research report, academic lectures, journals, magazines, newspaper articles

3.     Some probably target readers of the text are:
Ø students in the politics subject
Ø academic community
Ø educated people

4.     The sentence is:  Therefore, the interest in television as an educational medium has increased for several reasons.”

5.     First, the writer presents the topic/phenomenon and his / her point of view to persuade the readers or listeners that there is something that, certainly, needs to get attention. Then, give the argument(s) refers to the topic with its evidences and elaboration. Lastly, restate his / her  position / point of view to strengthen the thesis.

6.    Yes, He / She does.
7.    Yes, I can
Ø Internal Conjunction:
Text 1 : first, similarly, finally
Text 2 : first, second, moreover, finally
Ø Causal Conjunction:
Text 1 :  so, thus
Text 2 : as, therefore, thus 

Read the two texts above once again and compare them with the other two texts below to identify their differences and similarities. Write your answer in the box provided below.
Ø All of the four texts present the topic or phenomenon to persuade the readers that idea is important matter, that there is something that, certainly, needs to get attention
Ø All of the four texts have thesis statements and give the argument(s) related to the topic or phenomenon
Ø Lexico - grammatical features:
·      Focus on generic human and non-human participants
·      Use of simple present tense
·      Use of relational processes
·      Use of internal conjunction to stage argument (first, second, third, the last,)
·      Reasoning through causal conjunction or nominalisation.
Ø  Generic structure: Text 1-2 (thesis, argument(s), and reiteration), Text 3-4 (thesis, argument(s) and recommendation)
Ø  Text 1-2: presenting the phenomenon and giving the reiteration to strengthen the argument(s), while text 3-4 presenting a phenomenon and giving persuasive argument(s) and leading to recommendation that the readers should or should not do
Ø  Lexico – grammatical features”
Ø  Mental Processes: to state what writer thinks or feels about issue e.g. feel

Before constructing exposition texts, please open the related links below and watch the videos of various activities related to the topic we are currently talking. Make necessary notes.

Video 1: How to write an Analytical Essay – What is it?
Ø  The levels in analyzing the analytical essay
1.         How and Why?
2.         Pick it into pieces to explain and interpret
3.         discuss central ideas/themes
4.         pieces: techniques
5.         effect on audience
Ø  Why we an analysis: to know how the author creates meaning
Ø  An essay is a formal and structured piece of writing that present a point of view (thesis) with evidences to support the arguments
Ø  The Essay Structure:
1.      Introduction (thesis) : tell what (topic/phenomenon) you are going to tell to the readers
2.      Body paragraph (arguments): analyze and organize the argument(s) into paragraphs
3.      Conclusion: conclude or tell the readers what you have told them

Video 2: How to write an analytical essay: planning
Ø  Planning is the most important stage in making an analytical essay, failing in planning will led into disorganized, messy and poorly written work so we should make sure that we need a lot time to think it deeply.
Ø  Steps in planning an essay
v  Step 1. Read the question – ability in interpreting questions
·      What is it asking?
·      What is it really asking?
v  Step 2. Identify the key words
·      Words that tell you what to discuss in the essay, Do this by writing it out in the middle of a landscape piece of paper – using the keywords to explore the ideas
v  Step 3. Identify the direction words
·      words that tell you what a sort of answer to give
eg. discuss, to what extent, show how, how, do you agree, compare, contrasts, etc
v  Step 4. Brainstorm
·      Look at those content words and expand on them
·      some Methods of brainstorm: mind map, lotus diagram, padlet/popplet, dot points/list, talk to a friend and verso
v  Step 5. Organize ideas
·      What ideas are dominating your pages?
·      Think about how you might organize these ideas into paragraphs

Use your own words to develop the two supporting ideas available in the text below

·           College students are adults, not elementary school children
As adults, college students are able to determine which one is important / better for them. They will study by themselves if it is considered important. They have clear vision about what will they achieve in the future. They know how to manage their duties and responsibilities.
·           Students often have other obligations such as jobs and family
Some of college students have other obligations in their life, not just a student who only do the assignments, but more, they probably have side jobs to earn money for living, college fee or for their families. Beside, having economic function, some of them, also have responsibility in taking care little or old members in their family.

Choose one prohibition sign below which attracts you to generate your ideas to write an analytical exposition text. Be sure to apply the knowledge you have learnt.

Do Not Litter
Throwing away any litter is a common thing we do. We simply throw garbage on the side of the road, but not far from, there is a trash can. Garbage on the sidewalk is more than garbage in a trash can. Due to the disposal of any garbage, of course, lead to losses that can not be considered trivial. The followings are some serious impacts of littering:
1.    Destructive the scenery
To be sure, spoil the view. Throw away any garbage, meaning letting the garbage pile up anywhere. Imagine if it was in the yard of your house. Your clean, beautiful, and artsy home will be spoiled by litters. That's the result of littering with little impact.
2.    Bring a bad smell
The bacteria will decipher the waste. If organic waste can be decomposed, but if the inorganic waste can not. As a result of the process, bring a bad smell. of course we will be really disturbed by the unpleasant smell of garbage.
3.    Bring in floods
Disposing of garbage, making the drainage is blocked. As a result, there will a puddle of water. Maybe it is not a big problem, but when the heavy rain come, the drainage channels which are covered by full of garbage will make the water begin to overflow to the surface and a flood will happen. A great flood will bring disaster that result in many victims and losses.
6.    Bring various kinds of diseases
The garbage is one of a source of many diseases which can lead to a serious illness and sometimes bringing to death because of many bacteria produced.
Due to the littering of garbage gives some dangerous impacts, it should be thrown into the trash that next can be transported by garbage collectors to be brought to the Final Disposal Place. Waste in the landfill will be processed, or destroyed, reshaped into useful materials. That is, there is nothing to waste from the waste.

To summarize the discussion, please watch two videos that you can open in the links below. In the second video, there is one of incorrect pronunciation. The presenter pronounces the word “argument” incorrectly. Please check the correct pronunciation is. Use your pronouncing dictionary to check it or open
Ø In video 1. How to pronounce argument
The speaker pronounce correctly: argument /’argyement/
Ø Video 2. There is no sounds, just text available
Ø In video 3. Bahasa Inggris-Analytical Exposition KD 3.5
The speaker pronounces incorrectly: argument/’arjumen/

Read the text below carefully for your comprehension. Then analyze it to identify the thesis statement, the arguments, and the reiteration

Table of Identification
Text : Our Complex Relationship With Technology
Julian Stood
Thesis statement
Ø  Topic: Our Complex Relationship With Technology
Ø  Writer’s position: Our relationship with devices is complex: love or hate, or need and want. In the Social Age, it’s technology that brings us together, that provides access to communities and facilitates the discussions we have within them. It enables the formation of wide collections of loose social ties and the maintenance of increased numbers of strong and deep ones, whilst also providing access to knowledge
Ø  There are few aspects of life that technology doesn’t touch, but it’s easy to let the horse lead the cart.
Ø  It’s all about balance and agility. It should be our natural behaviours that are being enhanced by the technology, not the technology forcing us to adapt our behaviours.
Ø  We are in a time of change: change to how organisations and individuals engage with each other, changes in our relationship with technology, changes to how we engage within communities to learn to co-create meaning.
Ø  Social technology should give us access to our communities whilst we are on the move anytime, anywhere.
Social Technology has to be effortlessly social, or it’s not social at all.

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