Hot Summer In South Korea!

안녕하세요, Dreamers! Writing this quick post because I suddenly miss blogging. I'm currently in Seoul, South Korea. Oh I just came back from Busan tho. It's freakin' hot here like why did I came here on summer in the first place lol. Can't wait to write a proper post about this trip anyway. I just realized earlier today that I'm trying to act like locals and forgot to "create content" for my blog. I enjoyed things and food and stuff but forgot to take photos of them 😂😂 Don't know what to say about this trip tho, it's fun but it's too hot hahaha. One thing I love about Seoul (and make me want to live here- sorry, Japan) is how the people dress :") oh and the food! Yah...just like that. If you want to see my updates, just kindly follow my instagram @japobs 😆