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A Life Update Before 2017 Ends // 171227

First of all, Merry Christmas!!! No, it's not "(x) year in review" post yet. I just want to write some life update about things happened to me lately. Well, I always say life is full of surprises, which is....not always good. I never thought I'd dropped my phone and cracked the LCD. AGAIN. This time is the worst of all, I can't even use my phone again because the it's dead. I am clumsy and tbh this is my third phone with cracked LCD. LCD IS NO CHEAP!!!
I cried because I was so upset that I need to spend my money on the unpredictable things, again. I just changed my phone battery and bought new charger for my laptop because they're all broken. I guess I just don't give enough care to them, huh? It's heartbreaking because it's all my hard-earned money. Every time I thought I can save more money that month...... something's broken. Arrrgghhhh!!! Now I need to take care of my camera because if it's broken.....I'm a dead meat. Hahaha. Jaa, I'm going to fix my phone now, brace myself to spend at least IDR 1.3mio.........