Soal Relative Pronoun Lengkap Jawaban
Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda Materi Relative Pronoun Beserta Jawaban
- Who's moved the papers ...... I left on my desk?a. Whob. Whomc. Thatd. Which
- You should complain to the people ....... supplied ita. Not allb. Whoc. Whichd. That
- They arrested the man ...... was over the alcohol limita. Thatb. Whichc. Whomd. Who
- The men, ....... were in a hurry, didn't finish the job properlya. Thatb. Whoc. Whichd. Whom
- The pub, ........ lost its licence, has been turned into a shopa. Whichb. Thatc. Whered. Who
- Two guys, ....... car had broken down, asked me for a lifta. Whoseb. Whomc. Whichd. Who
- I'd love to meet the idiot ...... made these rulesa. Thatb. Whichc. Whosed. Who
- She failed the exam, ...... came as a great surprise to us all
a. Whose
b. Which
c. That d. Who - The film, ...... lasted for three hours, was boringa. Thatb. Whichc. Whom
d. Who - The flats, ....... will house over two hundred families, were completed last montha. Whoseb. Thatc. Whichd. Who
- The boxer ...... career was ruined by health problems was on TV last nighta. Whoseb. Whomc. Whod. That
- The bag … was bought by my mother two year ago has broken.a. Whichb. Whomc. Whod. What
- Ruby, … is extremely dilligent, named his new baby Tommy.a. Thatb. Whomc. Whod. What
- The woman … is eating burger, lives near my house.a. Whichb. Whomc. Whod. What
- People … eat fruits and vegetables may have more attractive skin color.a. Thatb. Whichc. Whomd. Whose
- The software … maker was unknown was used by many retailers.a. Thatb. Whomc. Whosed. Which
- The person … I want to send this package has moved to unknown location.a. To whomb. Whomc. From whomd. Which
- a. Who
- b. Who
- a. That
- b. Who
- a. Which
- a. Whose
- a. That
- c. That
- b. Which
- c. Which
- a. Whose
- a. Which
- c. Who
- c. Who
- a. That
- c. Whose
- a. To whom